Where Did Everyone Go?!
Dad was the king of blog posts, but nothing since the beginning of February?! Alx and his blog have been silent since March?! Guess it’s all up to me to keep the dream alive! (Editors Note: I am also the webmaster, so If they’re gonna make me do this alone, I’m killing the blog! MWAHAHAHA!) …
Support My Cause!
First off, really happy that there were some good responses to last week’s question: “Where is your dream vacation?” Thanks for the responses, and add your comment at the bottom of this post! Now, onto regular business! I would first like to start off with compliments to a chef. I actually hate any inkling of …
ALX Blog – Working Weekend
It’s friday and you know what that means? ManoaDNA gets to work! Tonight we’re at Lulus in Waikiki and tomorrow we’ll be at the Kani Ka Pila Grille, both from 6-9. I’m also going to get to work on a lot of new music and start recording because time is going by too fast! Hopefully …
ALX Blog – Crazy Weekend!
Happy Monday! So this weekend was really crazy in so many ways. On friday I played without the D and N at Lulus and tried a lot of different songs. Some went well and some, well, did not…but we kept on going and ended up having a really fun night. I bought this new toy …
ALX Blog – Running on Pavement (Literally)
Good morning TeaMDNA! Last night we were at Lulus and it was fun but I had a tough time. The sound in that room is very hard to take control of and by the end of the night I was in a weird mood. Weird right?? It didn’t help that I still was feeling a …
ALX Blog – Kim Chee Breathe
Good morning everyone! I didn’t sleep very well last night, I kept waking up and then ended up just waking up early. I don’t know why I can’t sleep lately??!! Oh well, life must go on. I have a haircut this morning, then visiting Pele Reiko and the gang at Studio Rim at noon, and …
ALX Blog – Pau Hana Danny’s Song
Last night was a blast! I was on my own with Mark and Seann last night while the other boys took the night off so I got to play some songs that I didn’t really know. I played “Danny’s Song” by Loggins and Messina and had the people in Lulus sing with me on the …
ALX Blog – Baseball and The Leftys!
A couple of friends and I went to the UH Manoa baseball game last night and got to see the rainbows beat New Mexico St! It was a pretty close game but in the end we kind of dominated. The good thing was that Zach didn’t get hit with a foul ball again like last …
ALX Blog – Fun at Hyatt!
Hey Everyone, We had a lot of fun down at the Hyatt Waikiki SWIM Bar last night even though we were down a few guys. Nick is out of town, and Mark was filling in for another band, but we held up pretty good! Ronny Quong came in to play bass with us and he …