Keep on truckin’ …

Good morning, everybody!  I’m back … just had to take a break from all the craziness that’s been going on over here.  The awful earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan is continuing to create quite a stir as Hawai’i begins to mobilize to find ways to help raise funds and donations for the victims.  And …

What A Month!

What a month this will be. Last week Tuesday we started the festivities with the release of Evolution, this week we blessed The IOLANI retail store, and next week we are off to Japan! Take a breath! Hope all the readers are having fun! See the Japan people next week!

Under Construction

If you listened to our radio show on Radio-i 79.5 in Nagoya on Sunday, then you know I just went down to the Iolani clothing factory to see the progress of their new retail store that is being built and that should open sometime during the summer. It’s coming along pretty good and I am …

Working Man

Since this semester I decided to take some time off from school, it has given me more time to concentrate on music. However it has also given me more time to help at the Iolani clothing factory. I’ve been working and cleaning the warehouse to prepare for the upcoming renovations that include a huge Iolani …

No golf :-(

I won’t be able to do my usual Thursday afternoon golf with my buddies 🙁 ’cause we have to perform for a promotion at the Ala Moana Center this afternoon.  I have no idea what it’s for, but it’s scheduled so I’m there.  I picked up the new L.R. Baggs D.I. (connects my guitar to …