Keep on truckin’ …

Good morning, everybody!  I’m back … just had to take a break from all the craziness that’s been going on over here.  The awful earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan is continuing to create quite a stir as Hawai’i begins to mobilize to find ways to help raise funds and donations for the victims.  And as an added twist, two of our manager Ann’s kids arrived on our doorstep Monday morning tired and worried after their parents put them on a plane to get them out of Tokyo.  I feel so sorry for them, but luckily their aunt & grandmother arrived the other day, so at least they now have some family support.

We’re all getting an early start this morning … going down to IOLANI to help finish packing boxes of donated clothing for shipment this morning.  We were very disappointed yesterday after finding out that stuff like clothing etc. were now not being accepted due to logistical problems, and that organizations were asking for funds instead.  We were told that immediate shipping priority was being given to food, water, medical supplies, and toilet paper(?).  Very understandable, but isn’t it also freezing cold over there?  Many of these people lost everything including their clothes, so how are they keeping warm?!  Then out of the blue, a friend emailed and told us that a shipment was leaving this morning for Sendai and has offered to include our boxes with the shipment!  Wow .. how’s that for a miracle?!  Mahalo, kupuna … you are indeed watching over us!

Oh yeah .. Alex composed a tribute to all of the earthquake and tsunami victims.  I’ve heard the first demo and it’s pretty powerful and emotional …

I have to go and get ready now … talk later.    Aloha, “D”

One Comment

  1. Dad, thank you for your help Japan. Mahalo.