Yay, it’s Saturday!

Boy, I’ve got so many things to do today … two meetings and a zillion (yes, a zillion!) errands to run!  Nick and I leave for Japan in a couple of days so I gotta get off my butt and start getting my s–t together.  Should have started doing a lot of this stuff weeks …

Good morning!

Aloha kakahiaka, peeps!  How is everyone this fine morning?  It’s the usual Thursday here at our home in Manoa … cool & quiet, gentle tradewinds rustling the trees outside , birds singing, coffee brewing, and … the puppies doing the 100 yd. dash around the kitchen!!  Last night I fell asleep in the family room …

Another one?!!!

Aloha kakahiaka, peeps!  I just heard that there was another big quake in Japan which originated near the same area as the big one in March.  Miraculously, there was no tsunami this time … thank goodness!  I don’t know how long it’ll be before Mother Nature decides to give Japan a rest, but I hope …