Baby Percy

Wassup, everybody?!  Got a full day ahead with meetings this morning and photo shoots this afternoon … which also means that I won’t be able to join my buddies for our regular Thursday golf outing!:-(  Oh well, at least their $$ is safe from the Evil Lloyd for another week!  LOL!

And March 3rd is Girl’s Day, or Hinamatsuri in Japan, so … “Happy Girls Day!” to all of you beautiful ladies out there!  May you all have a very special day! (Hey guys .. hint, hint!)

And oh .. you gotta check this out – these are photos of Percy and Panda.  Panda is the brother of our own Peanut and Jazz, and the son of Buster.  They all lived together until Panda and Peanut started fighting all the time.  Needless to say, we were so happy when our good friends, the McClarens, decided to adopt Panda and although he’s missed, I’m so grateful to them for providing such a warm and loving home for him!  They bring him by to visit from time to time and he’s still the same little “fireplug” that I remember when he was a puppy!  He now has a new baby brother, Percy (short for Percival) … Percy is a West Highland terrier and as you can see from the pics, is SO cute!   I hope we get to meet him soon!


One Comment

  1. OMG!!! He is super cute(>_<)!!