Happy Monday, everybody!

Just got back from another early morning walk with the puppies.  It was still dark outside when we started and there was a bit of wind along with some brief showers, but all in all, a very beautiful Manoa morning!  Since today’s schedule is not as hectic, I’m going to catch up on my emails and other work stuff this morning before going to the studio to “woodshed” (practice) a bit.  Then I’ll head down to the IOLANI store for the rest of the day before joining the guys at Tsukuneya for some pau hana later this afternoon …

The ManoaDNA golf group had its first tournament out at the Hawai’i Prince Golf Club yesterday and 17 golfers participated including 2 women.  While my nephew, Mike, and I played “soldier golf” (left, right, left, right …) our playing partners shot lights out and won their respective flights (can you say “handicap adjustment”, boys & girls?).  But the most embarrassing moments were on the par-3s … the women won closest-to-pin on THREE of the holes!!  If I hadn’t won the last closest-to-pin, the men would have been shut out and we would have never heard the end of it!  Whew!!  By the way – mahalo to Bill Craig of Oakley for the awesome DNA shirts … great fit and color (buff n’ blue!)!

Aloha, “D”