Beware Animals & Beer, I’m back!

So many witty titles, so little space! 10 days/240 hours/14,400 minutes/864,000 seconds after my pledge to better my health, and here I am. It’s been a long journey, complete with grumpiness, withdrawals and second guessing, but I have finished it! My ten day challenge began with the most honest of intentions and determination. I wanted …

Vegan(ish) Cleanse Report

That’s what I’ve been calling it, vegan-ish. Vegan would be the lack of any animal product, I am just avoiding land animals. Here’s my report, half-way through my ten-day journey! I will start by admitting that this has been a lot easier than I thought it might be. The hardest part has been the alcohol-free …

10-Day Challenge

Sometimes in life, you need to take a step back, relax and evaluate your position in life: Do you like your job? Are you happy where you live? Are you healthy? All examples of the kinds of things you could do to help you realize what you could improve. Saturday night, I took a step …