Happy President’s Day!!

‘Morning, FB peeps!  What better way to start off another great week than with another holiday!  Hope everyone’s enjoying this President’s Day morning … especially those of you who gathered in the pre-dawn hours down at Aloha Tower to participate in the Great Aloha Run.  I still can’t believe that Alex and Sarah got up that early to go run in that event … ahhhh, to be young again!  Actually, the event is a lot of fun and the proceeds benefit many of our local charities …

Weekend recap … Friday at Lulu’s was kinda mellow – at least until our final set when people started waking up.  Saturday at Kani Ka Pila was awesome, though, as ukulele whiz Bryan Tolentino sat in with us and dazzled the crowd with his playing.  We actually ended up with an “ukulele trifecta” when fellow ukulele masters Eddie Kamae and Bruce Shimabukuro dropped by to join in the fun!  On Sunday, did nothing except cut some some branches off the supposedly dead avocado tree along our back fence.  I say
“supposedly dead” because the guy who was supposed to remove the tree left the base of the trunk and roots, but said that he poisoned it and that it would die eventually.  So here it is almost a year later and I’m still trimming branches from the “dead” tree …

Aloha, “D”