Another Early Start ….

Got up at 4:30am this morning because we had a 6am call time for a video shoot over on Waimanalo Beach.  I wasn’t sure whether the shoot was going to happen since it was pouring rain when we left Manoa.  However, when we got to Waimanalo the rain had stopped and the weather pretty much held up throughout the session.  Then just as we finished loading the stuff back in the car to come home, it started pouring again … it was amazing but kinda spooky too!  Mahalo kupuna for being so kind to us and mahalo to Bob, Christian, and Phillip for inviting MDNA to be in the video … can’t wait to see the results!

Well, now that I’m home, I’m starting to feel a bit sleepy … I might take a short nap before heading down to IOLANI.  ManoaDNA is also performing this evening at the Hawai’i Japanese Chamber of Commerce (HJCC) member’s reception, so it’ll be another busy day and evening.

Oh yeah, on the way home this morning, we were blessed with a beautiful double rainbow!  Check out the pic …

Aloha, “D”