Aloha everyone, hope you had a fun week and are ready for the first weekend in December! I know, December already, where did 2010 go?! I have good news to report though, thanks to the “Cyber Monday” shopping day, I was able to knock out all my Christmas shopping already! It feels weird. Anyway, on with the photos…
First up, the entire Thanksgiving day. Starting off with a little golf before the big meal! Then we had several guests in town, so Mom busted out the good stuff. Check out the center pieces!
Like Dad reported, we recently hosted a networking dinner for professional women here at the IOLANI store. Alex was entertainment, soI decided to play photographer and get some good shots of the night.
Finally, like my last blog, I would like to thank everyone for their toy donations to our drive. I know I keep saying it, but you guys are AWESOME! Here’s what we got in so far!
That’s my week in photos. Have a great weekend!