JATA – Final day

Aloha, everyone! I’m staring outside my hotel window at a very gray and rainy Tokyo morning … I guess another typhoon must be passing by again. Yesterday was our final performance at the JATA World Trade Fair, and we went out with a bang! They cranked up the sound system for our last show so that large crowd could finally hear us clearly … there was a Kenyan booth near us who’s drums were so frickin’ loud that it drowned out all the other entertainment going on at booths around them. Funny thing was, they always started right and ended at the same time that we did. Anyway, it was great to see all of our friends and fans here in Japan again, and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves!

One very sad note – our beloved Ghana sandwiches were missing this year! The Ghana booth was there but there were no sandwiches .. how rude!! I was so much looking forward to feasting on those pita delights – at least 3 or 4 every day – and they didn’t have ’em this time! GRRRRR!!
Oh well, at least we were able to eat Alex’s favorite Yama-chan tebasaki last night in Tamachi …

We’ll be performing at Thumbs Up in Yokohama tonight … I’m really looking forward to it ’cause we’ll be performing all of our MDNA music! Plus, it’s like one big party and everyone always has such a great time! See you all there!

Aloha, “D”