Aloha, everyone! We leave this week for our final Japan tour of 2010 … going to be performing in Sapporo, Tokyo, and Yokohama. It’s a short trip so at least I don’t have to pack a lot of stuff this time – in fact, the omiyage (gifts) take up more room than my clothes! It’ll be great to see all of our friends and fans again, but the best part is that the awful summer heat wave seems to finally be over! I mean, I like to take a steam bath every once in a while but not every day in my street clothes!
Health-wise, I’m feeling pretty good … can’t say the same about Alex, though. He called us in the middle of the night saying that he was throwing up .. oh, great! Spoke to him this morning and he seems to be a little better so we’ll see how he feels a little later this morning …
I’m going to try and figure out how to load photos on to my iPad on this trip, so stay tuned. Knowing me, though, I’ll probably screw it up.
Aloha, “D”