Another cool & breezy evening in the ‘valley and I just finished re-stringing and waxing my guitar. Damn, I hate changing strings, especially on the twelve .. it’s like stringing two guitars! Plus, I always end up getting a few pokes from the ends that stick out from the tuning pegs … suckers are like hypodermic needles, and you KNOW how I feel about needles! Anyway, I’m getting all my stuff squared away since we’ll be heading up to Napa Valley to perform at a very special event. Then next weekend we’re off to the Big Island for the … oops, almost let the cat out of the bag! hahaha … sorry, Danny! After that, it ‘s the Wildest Show at the Honolulu Zoo on the 13th and then our final performances at Lulu’s and Kani Ka Pila … another full schedule, but then again, so what’s new?? I ain’t complaining though … I’m truly grateful for having these opportunities to share our music with you guys! Have a great Wednesday, everybody!! Aloha, “D”