Aloha, friends. “TGIS” … Thank God It’s September!!  I will not survive another month like August .. it was absolutely THE WORST month ever! Not only did I lose my mom, but a couple of good friends and acquaintances also lost family members. On August 22nd, we bid aloha to my mom in a beautiful memorial service attended by many family and friends. Reverend Ka’upu presided over the services and Eddie Kamae, Danny Kaleikini, and Palani Vaughan each sang a beautiful mele. It was the most perfect way to say goodbye to a great mom, grandma, great-grandma, and friend. The next day, we took her ashes up to Punchbowl and now she and dad are together again… sorry, pops, vacation’s over!
Even though it’s tough, I’m going to try and get back to my normal routine. I figured I’d start with something easy like updating my blog, but there’s been so much happening that I don’t know where to start. Let me just ramble for now … we’re back to performing regularly again and picking up where we left off – got a new CD and several commercial projects to finish before we go on our fall tour to Japan. I’m attempting to compose a song for mom which will be very interesting since I’ve never really written a song before … I truly believe that you have to be born with that kind of talent – and I obviously wasn’t! What else … oh yeah, our avocado tree continues to thrive – even after I practically cut it down to a stump about 6 months ago! It totally rejuvenated itself and is now lush and loaded with fruit! My mom loved the avocados from this tree so I guess it’s a sign that the tree needs to stay … ok, will do, mom! My elbow has been giving me problems lately so I went to Sports Authority and bought some KT tape. Several people recommended it and said it was similar to the Phiten tape system. Not sure how it works, but it’s supposed to direct energy and blood flow to the area to help ease pain and accelerate the healing process. I have to admit it definitely helped because the pain is much less but will see if it works when I golf on Thursday …
Aloha, “D”