Good morning!
Got up early this morning and it’s raining again … hope it’s just one of Manoa’s morning blessings and not another storm front coming in. Physically, I’m definitely feeling much better now even though I have some congestion and a cough. Having a weekend to rest has done wonders for this old body, and Carla’s really been taking good care of me. I’m so fortunate to have her in my life …
Got another busy week ahead (so what’s new?!) starting with some ‘IOLANI projects, computer upgrades, and an upcoming trip to SF. Yes, it’s time for our annual boys-only Great Adventure – a tradition we started when the boys turned 21. Since their birthdays are in January and February, I took them to Vegas (like all good fathers!) to celebrate their 21st birthdays and it’s now become an annual trip which includes other destinations as well. This time we’ll be spending a few days in Napa and San Francisco visiting wineries and hopefully reuniting with our Project Aloha buddies. Hey Paul, Diane, Kristi, Bret, Lori, Donna, and Jennifer … looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Hey, today’s the college BCS Championship game – #1 Notre Dame vs. #2 Alabama – and I’m definitely rooting for ND because local boys (and Punahou grads) Manti Te’o and Robby Toma both play for the Fighting Irish. It’ll be a huge task because Alabama is such a powerful and explosive team .. they’re actually favored to win. No matter what though, Hawai’i’s pride will shine regardless of the outcome …
Aloha, “D”
Hi Lloyd, thanks again for everything this past weekend, you have a wonderful family! Have a fun and safe trip, talk soon…
Hey Joe,
Sorry for the late reply. We got back from SF on Monday … boy was it cold there! Had a great trip, though, and was happy that the Niners won. It was great seeing you guys and hope you all had a great flight back home … take care and tell the girls to keep on rockin’!!