I’m back!!
It’s here … December 12, 2012 – 12/12/12 … enjoy this day because it won’t happen again for another hundred years. Don’t really know what’s so important about this date except for the numerical alignment, but I’m sure someone will think of something. Man, it sure is windy in Manoa this morning … I can hear the wind coming down the valley like the roar of a freight train approaching. Pretty amazing.
This past Saturday we performed down at the Waikiki Aquarium for a private event and saw all the preparation being done for Sunday’s Honolulu Marathon. Luckily, our tradewinds came back strong on Sunday so the runners didn’t have to endure the awful vog we had for the past week. On Monday, as we were flying to Kona, I couldn’t believe how much vog was still hanging over Kona and the Kohala coast – even with the return of the trades! You could hardly see the ground as we approached the airport … and my eyes started itching as soon as we got off the plane. Luckily, we were there for only a few hours so it wasn’t too bad …
Christmas is in a couple of weeks … boy, it’s coming up fast! My holiday schedule is so nuts that I haven’t had time to stop and enjoy some of the holiday spirit yet. It seems like I have something every night … a dinner, get together, gig, whatever. I even missed the buying of our Christmas tree which Carla & I do every year with the boys. Life is too short … gotta start slowing down and smelling the roses. Maybe I’ll have some time later next week … NOT!!
Aloha, “D”