Happy Tuesday, everyone!
It’s almost December, the homestretch for 2012. There’s a festive mood in the air as everyone starts to think more about the holidays and less of work. I’ve gotta get a lot of stuff done before year end, though, so I really have to focus extra hard! Yesterday I noticed that the shopping malls were definitely more crowded which is good news … can’t have a successful Christmas if the the retailers don’t make their profits, right?? Capitalism is alive and well … Jesus who??!
I have a couple of meetings today … nothing really important … and then I plan to make it an early and alcohol-free night. The rest of the week is going to be pretty busy – THE SWIM on Wednesday, meeting & golf on Thursday, meetings and Lulu’s on Friday, then it’s off to Kaua’i on Saturday for a wedding. Whew! Last night, I met my friend Cal at our regular Monday watering hole, Yataimura at Shirokiya in Ala Moana, where we debated (of all things) on whether there really was a heaven or hell. You can imagine how stupid we sounded after a pitcher and a half of draft beer! 🙂
Aloha, “D”