‘Morning, my friends!

Trades are back although it still feels kinda hot & humid .. played golf yesterday with my Selohssa golf group out at the Royal Kunia G. C. and it was pretty warm.  The skies got overcast in the later part of the round, so it cooled off a bit … as did my game!  Started off great with a birdie on the 1st hole and then a bunch of pars before the bogey monster set in … still ended up shooting an 81 which ain’t bad.  Driving out towards the west side side of O’ahu is always an adventure … as soon as you get past Red Hill it becomes a NASCAR free-for-all!  I mean people are speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and acting like total idiots!  Then you face the same situation coming back into town …

Saturday night was a trip … midway through our gig at Kani Ka Pila Grille, it was announced that there was a tsunami warning and that everyone had to evacuate the premises.  It was too bad since we had a great crowd that night … even our pal Brother Noland showed up!  Oh well, better safe than sorry, right?  So we quickly broke down our gear and tried to get out of there before the traffic really got bad.  Luckily, the tsunami never really materialized although Maui and the Big Island felt some of the effect.  And can you believe that there were people still wandering around the beach area even after the evacuation warnings were issued?  People’s stupidity never ceases to amaze me … definitely prime candidates for the Darwin Awards!  Hahaha!

The countdown begins … 5 more days til we leave for Sapporo for the 1st leg of our inaugural “MANOADNA MEETS OHANA” Fall Tour presented by Hawaiian Airlines.  Final preparations are being made as the boys & I scramble to pull everything together.  It’s crunch time, baby!

Aloha, “D”