And so, another busy weekend has come and gone. I sure hope this week is a lot better than last week … ever have one of those weeks where things that go bad go REALLY bad? Had one of ’em last week … really sucked so I won’t go into details. Weekend was better … started off Friday with breakfast with pal Wayne Harada at Harry’s Cafe on Waimanu St. near ‘IOLANI. This is a little hole-in-the-wall diner where the menu is written with marker pen and scotch-taped to the walls. They still feature a 99 cent breakfast and reminds me of the old mom & pop diners that used to be plentiful back when I was a kid … good home-style local food at cheap prices. On Saturday, I picked up Nick at the airport before dropping in at the Pacific Beach Hotel to check out the RKB Fukuoka Fair which my friend, Peko-san, had told me about. For some reason I was unable to find it – even the hotel staff didn’t seem to have a clue – so I started heading back to the parking lot when I ran into my friend, Bruce Shimabukuro, who was waiting to give an uke lesson … ended up chatting for a while before his student showed up. After that, I headed back to ‘IOLANI before going downstairs to Side Street Inn to watch the end of the USC vs. Stanford football game (what an awesome game!) and then stuck around to watch the 1st half of the UH vs. Lamar game. UH was up 28-0 after the first half so we left (final score was 54-2!) and headed home. Sunday started off with an early round of golf at the Hawai’i Prince out in Ewa with the DNA Golf Club … lots of fun but shot a terrible round – again. Came home to rest and clean up before heading down to the Ala Moana Hotel to see Melveen Leed’s dinner show. She featured a guest singer from Japan, Daizo Koshiba, whom I had met at one of the Rainbow for Japan Kids events where we both performed. It was great to see both of them perform together and it was interesting to see the local-Japan interaction on stage … good fun! Want to send a big mahalo out to Masumi for inviting us!
MDNA will be back in action this week (Alex returns tomorrow) so let the good times roll …
Aloha, “D”