Another mellow Thursday … watched part of the British Open this morning … thought Tiger was really going to shoot well, but he kinda faded on the back. Leader Adam Scott seems to be doing well … should be interesting since his caddy Steve Williams used to be Tiger’s caddy before they had a falling out. Can’t wait to see final two rounds this weekend … should be awesome! And since today is Thursday, I have my weekly afternoon game with my fellow degenerates and I’m feeling pretty inspired after watching all those pros hit the ball …
We had an early morning yesterday down at the KGMB studios doing a promo for Roy Sakuma’s 42nd Annual Ukulele Festival which is happening down at Kapiolani Park this Sunday from 9am to 2pm. My friend, TV producer Mike Harris, said that he was going to set up an office for me down at the studio since I’ve been there so often lately! Later that day, I had a meeting down at City Hall before heading over to the Hyatt for our pau hana gig at The Swim.  Last night was a lot of fun as we had many of our fans from Japan there along with visitors from the mainland and Australia. Had a bit of a scare when one of the large table umbrellas blew off it’s foundation and crashed – miraculously, it didn’t hit any of the people sitting nearby!
Aloha, “D”