Sunday in Waikiki

It’s Monday … again!  It sure comes quickly whenever I’m having a great weekend …

Yesterday, we spent the morning taking a stroll around Waikiki and stopped in to have breakfast at the Outrigger Reef’s Oceans Restaurant.  When we got there, however, they were closed, and I suddenly remembered that it had been damaged by a fire several months ago and was still under repair.  So Carla and I decided to walk down the beach to the Halekulani and try their breakfast at the outdoor buffet.  It was mediocre but expensive (hey, it’s Waikiki!) … and the weirdest thing was that they had lox, onion, and capers but no bagel or cream cheese!  That’s like a car without seats or a steering wheel!  First time I’ve ever seen that …

After breakfast we walked over to the Apple Store in the Royal Hawaiian Center where Carla got a new iPhone 4s to replace her old one.  Speaking of Apple, they’ve now stopped using MobileMe and have switched everything over to iCloud … oh great – now I have to switch over my phone, iPad, and laptop to the new system or they won’t sync with each other.  Last time I did something like this, I ended up losing some of my data which really pissed me off.  Oh well, no other choice but to do it and hope for the best!  Wish me luck …

Aloha, “D”