Boy, am I screwed up or what?! I got up this morning in a panic thinking it was Monday and that I wasn’t prepared for any of my meetings for that day. Must’ve been because yesterday, July 4th, was such an awesomely relaxing day and actually felt like a Sunday … thus, creating the “oh s–t, it’s Monday!” doomsday scenario in my little brain! But after a couple of mugs of hot DD coffee and many glances at my laptop calendar, I was finally convinced that it was indeed Thursday so it’s all good now. Yesterday morning I did manage to get in a few games of squash with my buds even though my right shoulder sucks and makes all kinds of weird popping noises when I move it around.  Sometimes it’ll get stuck in a certain position before releasing with a loud “snap!” … so yups, the day of reckoning is quickly drawing near. Only one major problem: I don’t like needles and therein lies the dilemma …
Aloha, “D”