So far, so good!

‘Morning, peeps!

Well, I think Mr. Jet Lag decided to give me a break this time!  The 2nd day home (yesterday) is usually when I get slammed so I’m hoping the worst is over.  I did wake up with a stiff neck, though, which is something new … probably got it from the plane ride home.  Went to the club to try and work it out but it’s still a little stiff this morning …

I finally learned how to use the Instagram app on my iPhone … well, sort of!  The boys & I were relaxing at our friend Gregg’s house the other night and they taught me on how to use it.  So now I’ll be able to share more photos with you guys … which may or may not be a good thing!  Speaking of photos, here are a couple from our recent trip.  Of course it’s food!  This first one is our favorite okonomiyaki restaurant in Hiroshima called Henkutsuya.  My good friend Takashi first took us there a couple of years ago and it quickly became a must stop for us whenever we were in Hiroshima.  I actually never really cared for the pancake-like dish until I ate at this place.  It’s awesome!  The second photo was taken at Ichiran Ramen, one of the many ramen chains in Japan.  This one is kinda weird, though … each customer sits at his own “booth”.  I was told that in the old days, women did not want others to watch them eat so this way they could eat as much as they wanted in private!  Interesting …  

Hey, I just checked the Hiroshima Carp website and they had photos of our performance posted!  We really had a lot of fun at the game and want to thank Wayne and his committee for inviting us to come along!

Tomorrow … on to Yokohama!

Aloha, “D”