Ahhh … it’s Sunday!

What an awesome day … just cruisin’ at home with Carla and the puppies while sipping my DD coffee and enjoying a gorgeous Manoa Sunday!  I still have to go pick up my car sometime today … couldn’t do it yesterday because I got home late from golf and had to get ready for Kani Ka Pila.  Speaking of KKPG, it was great to be back after being gone for almost a month (due to travel and other events), and as usual, everyone had a great time!  There was a nice mix of visitors from the mainland, Canada, Japan, and Australia in the crowd along with some local folk who braved the Cinco de Mayo traffic to come into Waikiki last night.  And since it was just Manoa “D and A” (Nick’s away on a trip), our bassist Mark had to sing some of the vocal parts and ended up doing a pretty good job.  It was great watching him try to play his bass while trying to figure out his vocal harmony at the same time … I haven’t seen him sweat that much since we did our first Macy’s gig back in ’05!  Hahaha!

Have a great, relaxing Sunday, everybody!

Aloha, “D”