Happy Aloha Monday!

Aloha, everyone!

Hope you all had a nice restful weekend!  I’m still trying to recover from mine … it seems like my weekends are always so much busier than the regular work week!  I started off yesterday by having a nice brunch with my buddy Guy and his family from San Luis Obispo and then came home to give the puppies a much-needed bath.  After a little downtime, the boys & I headed over to the Bishop Museum to perform for the Taste of the Nation fundraiser along with Jody Kamisato & his students and Jake Shimabukuro.  On Saturday night, we were the closing act at the SPAM Jam down in Waikiki and boy, was it packed!  They closed off a part of Kalakaua Ave. for this annual block party which featured all kinds of food including dishes made with – what else – SPAM!!  We performed on the Outrigger stage sponsored by FM105 KINE with Bruddah Wade as the MC, and really had a great time.  Mahalo to Toby for inviting us … I’m glad we were finally able to make it this time!

I also want to send a big congratulations to Moanilei and Nik who got married on Saturday in a beautiful ceremony over at the Bishop Museum.  I’ve known “Mo” since she was a baby so it was a very special day for me and my family.  Congratulations also to her parents, Neil & Marianne!

And finally, it’s Golden Week in Japan!  For the past 5+ years, MDNA has always been there to represent Hawaii Tourism Japan during this major holiday period, but this is the first year that we won’t be there.  I know many of our fans are disappointed, but please don’t worry … we are planning to come and perform for you later this year.  Meanwhile, we are also planning a short trip at the end of May to perform in Hiroshima for the 15th anniversary celebration of the Hawai’i – Hiroshima Sister-State relationship and then go to Yokohama for a live stage at Thumbs Up on 6/2, along with a “meet & greet” event with our fans on 6/3, before returning to Hawai’i that same evening.  So don’t worry … we’ll be back!

Aloha, “D”