Happy Aloha Friday, everyone!
Another week has come and gone … it’s pau hana time! Come down and join us at Lulu’s tonight or Kani Ka Pila Grille tomorrow and start off your weekend with some great music, food, and drink. After this weekend, MDNA hits the road – first to the Big Island for the Merrie Monarch Festival, and then to Fukuoka, Japan for the Hawaiian Airlines inaugural flight celebration. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to visit other cities during this Japan trip since we have to be back in Hawai’i for some special engagements, but we’ll be coming back again at the end of May so stay tuned ….
I still haven’t figure out what’s going on with my golf game which still pretty much sucks. Yesterday, I was doing fine for the first few holes … par, par, bogey … then BAM! I take a 10 on hole #4! What the .. ?!! I hit two trees, dumped two shots in the water, then chunked my chip into the sand trap … all on that one hole! Talk about a total meltdown! Luckily that was my only blow-up hole and I managed to finish the round with my wallet and pride still intact …
This past Wednesday, we met Hirabayashi-san whose company HAYASHIYA distributes seaweed food products (ie, furikake, tsukudani, etc.) all over Japan. He and his family were vacationing here and met up with our pal, Pele Reiko of Studio Rim, who brought them over to see us at The Swim in the Hyatt. They brought some very nice omiyage which I know my mom will really like (see photo) and I want to send them a big mahalo for their kind generosity!
Aloha, “D”