Golf sucks … again!

‘Morning, all!

Lost my swing again yesterday … don’t know what happened.  I stepped up to the tee box on hole #14, addressed the ball, started my swing, and “uh,oh” … suddenly felt like a beginner again!  Naturally my shot went into the ditch, and from then on it was disaster after disaster.  I was 6 over on the last 3 holes but still managed to finish with an 87 – which just goes to show you how much better I was playing before my game went to hell!  Oh well, that’s golf … NOT!!!

Alex just flew back from Vegas this morning on the dreaded red-eye flight – ugh!  When I was younger I didn’t mind overnight flights but now that I’m older (not old!), I just can’t handle it anymore.  Anyway, it sounds like he, Sarah, and their friends had a great time even though their wallets may be a bit lighter now … 🙂

We’re back at Lulu’s tonight so come on down and join the fun!  If you can’t make it tonight, we’ll be at Kani Ka Pila Grille tomorrow … and oh yeah, the DNA golf club is playing tomorrow morning so my mood will depend on whether my golf swing returns!  Hahaha!

Aloha, “D”