Aloha, friends!
Hope you all enjoyed a nice, restful weekend! I was ready for a break yesterday, so I went and played some squash in the morning – it was only my 3rd time on the court since I injured my shoulder eight months ago. I had played a couple of games last Monday and although it felt ok, there was still some pain the next day.  I’m almost afraid to have the shoulder checked out by my orthopedic doctor because he’s probably gonna find that it’s really messed up. And that means either physical therapy or possible surgery (oh no – needles!). Anyway it’s a little sore this morning so I’ll see what happens in the next few days … boy, it sucks getting old!
On Saturday, our friends Minori & Kan-u were married in a beautiful wedding ceremony out at the Moanalua Community Church.  Minori is the daughter of our very dear friends, the Taguchis, and she looked absolutely radiant … as did her parents, of course! After the ceremony everyone headed over to the Halekulani for the luncheon reception where we introduced the bride & groom to the tradition of kissing whenever people start clinking their water glasses with any utensil. It was a little awkward in the beginning but after a while the couple really got into it and we even got the parents to join in the fun! Later that afternoon, they all came down to the Kani Ka Pila Grille to continue the party with ManoaDNA … what a great way to end such a wonderful day! I want to thank the Taguchis for including us in their very special day and wish both Minori & Kan-u many, many years of happiness together!
Ok, gotta go walk the dogs …
Aloha, “D”