Aloha, peeps!
We just arrived home after our flight from SF was delayed about 17 hrs. due to mechanical failure … I knew this trip was going too smoothly! Anyway, Hawaiian was pretty good about it … we got meal vouchers, a hotel room, and a $300 flight credit. Still, I think most of us would’ve just preferred having a problem-free flight instead. Check out the in-flight video screen … who the heck was flying THAT plane?!! hahaha!! And as usual, there were a couple of disgruntled passengers who tried to make a big stink over the situation … it’s like c’mon guys, would you rather be flying over the middle of the Pacific in a plane that’s not working properly?!! Idiots ….
Anyway, going back to our trip … our first day in Napa was great. We first stopped in at the private Gargiulo Vineyard where we were hosted by the estate’s wine director Sharon and sampled their exclusive Money Road cabernet and Aprile red, both totally awesome!! Â
 But the really cool thing is that owner Jeff Gargiulo is also a musician and has a big collection of very expensive hand-made guitars on display at his winery. Â
He’s quite an accomplished player himself and holds a music festival at the winery every fall attracting an impressive list of big-name artist friends. But you can’t just drop in to listen – it’s by invitation only! Alex & I got to play some of the guitars and we even performed a couple of songs for Sharon and Jeff which they enjoyed. Very cool stuff …
After that great experience, we headed on over to the Silver Oak Winery which is set up more like a tourist attraction. We were part of a crowd of about 50-60 people who came to sample wine and enjoy the ambience … a little too touristy for me, especially after the experience we had at the Gargiulo Vineyards earlier that day. Then after we were done at Silver Oak, we stopped off in Napa town and bought some takeout before checking in to our hotel in Silverado … and just in time to watch Alex’s beloved Denver Broncos get killed by the New England Patriots. The Tebow Magic has finally come to an end … oh well, at least it was great while it lasted!
More to come tomorrow …
Aloha “D”