Early Wednesday …


Up early again, but this time I have to take my car in to get serviced.  I always like to do it first thing in the morning so that my car gets worked on immediately.  I’ll probably head on over to Zippy’s or to Town on 9th Ave. to grab some coffee while I wait …

Saw a very cool thing on Facebook today.  Someone in Japan posted a photo from a karaoke bar and ManoaDNA’s “Aloha You – Kizuna” was right there on the screen!  Just think – now we can perform it without instruments!  Look ma, no hands!!

Well, the Kawakami boys didn’t pull off a 3-peat yesterday at our annual father/son golf tournament, but everyone had a great time!  These young guys  have so much power & flexibility and can hit the ball a mile …now, if they could only hit in the right direction!  After the round was over we all gathered at the “19th hole” to enjoy some great pupus, bottles of Caymus, and lots of b.s.!  Mahalo to Mike for organizing this outing and to Buggy for providing all the food!  It was also great that our pal Les was able to join us for a short while … take care and heal quickly, my friend!

Ok, I’m off … see ya!   Aloha, “D”