Ahhh .. the weekend!

It’s another wet morning here in Manoa as I sit here with my steaming mug of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.  It poured pretty much throughout the whole night so it’s pretty soaked out there … even the puppies refused to go out!  We have one more event tonight along with a video shoot on Monday, and then it’s VACATION TIME!!  That’s right, we’re dropping off the radar for the next few weeks and taking a break from all performances and appearances.  This year took such a huge toll on me both physically and emotionally that I’m totally exhausted and running on fumes!  Time to rest and recharge, my friends …

Alex & I played a round of golf with our good friends Takashi and Shioji-san yesterday out at Waialae.  We have this ongoing Hawai’i vs. Japan match and sad to say, it’s been all one-sided with Hawai’i winning every match (8 so far) in a very dominating fashion.  I have to say, though, that our opponents’ games continue to improve and I feel that victory could finally be within their grasp … or NOT!  In any case, it was a beautiful day and we all had a great time … mahalo, Takashi & Shioji-san .. please have a safe flight home and don’t forget to go to the driving range!

We were at Lulu’s last night for our final public performance in 2011!  Mahalo to all of our friends & family who came down to join us … and a very “Happy Birthday!” to Shion, Mari, and the twins!  See you all next year!

And finally, the best for last … a hearty “CONGRATS!” to Sarah who graduates from U.H. today!  YOU DID IT!  CHEEHOOOO!!!!

Aloha, “D”