Internet’s back!

Good morning, peeps!

Ahhh … I love the simple things in life such as good health, wonderful family & friends, and oh, yeah … wireless internet that works!!  I got up this morning, fired up the old MacBook and voila! … got an instant connection!  It always amazes me as to how dependent we are on technology these days – cell phones, laptops, iPads, etc. – how did we get by without these things in the past?!  Well, we got by just fine, thank you, which just goes to show how much our lives have changed in the last couple of decades.  And I’m not sure if it was for the better either … just look at what’s going on around the world today.

Ok, enough with the bitching … how are y’all today?  It’s Wednesday, Thanksgiving “eve”, and a lot of us here in the U.S. are starting to prepare for tomorrow’s traditional Thanksgiving holiday when families and friends gather together for a day of thanks and remembrance, followed by a lot of eating, watching football on TV, and even more eating!  Of course I can’t forget the commercial angle too, because Thanksgiving also officially kicks off the Christmas season.  Christmas trees will start to go on sale this weekend and many retailers are preparing for the first big holiday sale which begins at midnight tomorrow.  In fact, this sales day is so popular that it’s now commonly known as “Black Friday”.  I’d sure like to know who came up with that name – must’ve been a frustrated shopper or overworked salesperson!  If you’re looking for a great place to shop for that one-of-a-kind gift, come by our IOLANI store … lots of parking and hassle-free!

Take care and have an awesome “eve”!

Aloha, “D”