Aloha, my peeps!
ManoaDNA is off to the beautiful island of Kaua’i this morning to perform at the Hyatt Regency Po’ipu for the Monsanto Corporation. We’re bringing our full band since this is the final night of the convention and people are ready to party! It’ll be fun cutting loose with some old fashion rock n’ roll and stuff … yeehaaaaa!! Although this is just an overnight trip for us, I want to try and visit with some of our Kaua’i family before we leave since both my parents were born and raised there – my dad from Hanapepe and my mom, Lawai (some of my dad’s ashes were brought back to Hanapepe after he passed away two years ago.). As a kid, I used to spend my summers with my cousins fishing for aholehole at Small Boat Harbor, swimming, diving, and camping at Salt Pond, spearing o’opu near the Cement Bridge in the Hanapepe River, body surfing at Brennecke’s, and eating my Aunty Mabel’s awesome tuna and egg salad sandwiches … ahhh, such great, greatl memories! And even though our busy schedule prevents us from visiting more often, I will always cherish the memories of those simple and carefree days of my youth …
Much aloha, “D”