
Hey, it’s raining avocados in our backyard!  As I had mentioned in my previous blogs, our old avocado tree is loaded with fruit and they’re starting to fall to the ground.  I often wonder why Mother Nature has them all ripen at the same time … oh well, time to get out the fruit picker and get busy picking … I know my family and friends are going to be VERY happy!

The past couple of days have been kind of quiet and subdued.  Other than IOLANI and other routine stuff, there hasn’t been much happening … actually, it’s really been kinda nice.  With the jet lag pretty much gone, Alex is busy writing music, Nick is busy with IOLANI, and I’m starting to put together a checklist for our upcoming Japan goodwill tour at the end of this month.  So far, the plan is to visit Iwaki city, Kessenuma, and Sendai, although the rest of the schedule is still up in the air.  I should be able to provide more details as we get closer to our departure.

Oh yeah, yesterday afternoon I went to another Boot Camp class and guess what??  I can actually walk this morning!!  Yay!!  I think my muscles are slowly getting adjusted to the workout, because after the last couple of classes I could barely get out of bed the next day!  I never realized that I was using only certain muscles to play squash, and how weak and out of shape the rest of my body was.  I’m definitely going to cut back on my squash and start doing more cross-training type of workouts from now on … and it’ll probably be good for my shoulder and wrist too!

I’ve also started drinking coconut water after the workouts which seems to be more refreshing than water or Gatorade.  I remember drinking the stuff right out of the coconut when I was a kid, but who would’ve thought that it would become the latest sports drink craze?!   Plus, it ain’t cheap!!  Life is truly amazing …

Aloha, “D”