Yesterday, I followed a woman who was fixing her hair with both hands while driving up Punahou St. … what the?!! I can’t believe how many of these idiots are out on the road every day doing everything except driving the frickin’ car! The best one of all time was the girl who was talking on her cell phone, applying makeup, and scolding her kid while speeding on the freeway … such amazing multi-tasking by an irresponsible moron! Whew … ok, I’m done venting.
This is going to be another busy week for me even though I have a light schedule until this weekend.  ManoaDNA will be performing at the C&K concerts this Friday and Saturday, while also continuing to prepare for its upcoming tour to Japan at the end of September. I’ll also be traveling to the mainland right before we leave for Japan, so it’ll be a little hectic …
Aloha, “D”