A great Aloha Monday to you all, and welcome to the start of another hectic week here in Paradise! And because most schools including U.H. begin classes this week, you know what that means … yup, that awful traffic gridlock monster will once again rear it’s ugly head! I really feel sorry for those poor guys who have to drive into town from West O’ahu … it’s going to be awful! Drive safely and keep a cool head out there, everyone!
I enjoyed a great relaxing day yesterday … did absolutely nothing at all! Well, I did take a short run in the late afternoon before we went to our friend’s, the Yamanakas, house for dinner to celebrate my and Gregg’s dad’s birthday. Nick and Alex prepared the main course and dessert (Alex made the spaghetti sauce from scratch!), while Gregg provided the delicious antipasto and Andie made a huge salad. Nick & Andie also set up a sundae bar which had every kind of topping imaginable including my favorite miniature Reese’s peanut butter cups! Thanks for making it another great birthday week, everyone!
I’ve got a huge to-do list this week since we’re getting ready to go back on the road again next month. Have a great week, everyone!
Aloha, “D”