Aloha, peeps!
We arrived back home yesterday afternoon after our overnight flight from Haneda. Naturally, our puppies were overjoyed to see us and went berserk as soon as we got out of the car! I must’ve been really tired, though, because I passed out for about 4-5 hours right after we had something to eat. Coming home is truly a wonderful experience … all the stress and tension from the trip immediately vanish and I’m finally able to completely relax. Boy, it’s great to be back!
So now it’s Monday morning and I’m already feeling the effects of jet lag … that no-energy, mindless feeling … huh, what was I talking about again? Oh yeah .. anyway, I’m slowly trying to force myself back into my regular routine by working on a backlog of emails and stuff while also trying to unpack. I usually unpack right after arriving home, but was so tired yesterday that I ended up only emptying one suitcase. We received so many nice omiyage (gifts) from our great fans in Japan, and I’m now trying to determine which ones were supposed to go to Carla, my sister Pat, or my mom. I really should figure out how to label them because now I have no idea which one is for who! Hahaha! In any case, I want to thank everyone for all their kindness and generosity to me and my family!
We wound up our summer tour in Japan with two final performances at Haneda airport. Mahalo, again, to all of you who came out to see us during this trip – you are all so very special to us! We are already looking forward to our return trip at the end of September, so I hope to see you all again very soon! Please take care, and be safe!
Much aloha, “D”