Rockin’ night at Lulu’s!

Summer has arrived and people were definitely into the party mood at Lulu’s last night!  The place was jumping and everyone was having an great time even though Sunset on the Beach was happening right across the street from us.  And since it was our last Lulu’s appearance for the month of July, we wanted to make it a good one … and a good one it was!  There was even a group of young girls from the mainland who got up to attempt the “Green Rose” hula with my sister Pat … instant halau!  Mahalo to everyone who came down to join us, including many of our fans from the mainland, Japan, and Australia!

One thing that really bugs me is that I have a hard time remembering people’s names … I mean like within 5 seconds after we’ve met, I’ve totally forgotten your name!  I’ve tried word association and all those other techniques but they just don’t seem to work for me.  Our first bass player, Ronnie, could remember everyone’s name … he probably knows every name on the island .. damn showoff!  Anyway, I’m much better at faces than names, so please don’t be offended when the next time we meet I recognize your face but can’t remember your name!

We have another private function at noon today before we head on over to the Kani Ka Pila Grille for a final July performance before going back on the road again.  We’ll be back in August, though …

We’re getting ready to debut our new single FEEL THE LIGHT, which should be available for download or CD (Japan only) in a couple of weeks … stay tuned!

Aloha, “D”