Puppies are nuts!!!

Morning started off with a bang at 6:30am when the puppies tried to corner a cat in our back yard.  Lucky for them, the cat escaped or they would have gotten their butts kicked … cat’s are tough little bastards and can get pretty mean in a fight!

Monday turned out to be a pretty busy day again .. meetings all day, a short game of squash in the late afternoon, and rehearsal in the evening.  My good friend and squash partner, Tim, flew in from SF yesterday and is town for business till Saturday.  We met and played a couple games of squash before my racket strings broke … damn!  I dropped it off at McCully Bike to get re-strung and was told that it would be ready today after 2pm … just in time for a late afternoon game!  After our evening rehearsal, the boys and I along with our bass player, Mark, and drummer, Seann, went over to Paesano’s for some late dinner.  Food was great as usual and it was good to sit and relax and talk “shop” with the boys ….

IOLANI on Kona St. will be celebrating its 1st anniversary next month – I can’t believe we’ve been open almost a year now!  Boy, time sure flew by!  Mahalo to you all … it’s been a great year, and we couldn’t have made it without all your love and support!

Aloha, “D”