Long day …


5:45am – It’s Tuesday morning and it’s back to another work week … well, at least it’s not Monday!  I hope you all had a great Memorial Weekend and were able to relax a bit with your family and friends.  I pretty much did nothing yesterday except for a little squash with the boys in the morning, followed by a dinner party that evening hosted by our good friend, Ms. Kimiko Ohta, over at the Miyako restaurant in the Kaimana Beach Hotel.   Ohta-san owns a nightclub in Akasaka called Birdland, and we first met her several years ago when ManoaDNA first performed in Japan.  She and her Hawaiian music group, The Birds, have performed at the Na Hoku Awards cocktail reception for the past several years now.  Anyway, Alex and I had a very nice time at the dinner party and got to meet some of Ohta-san’s ukulele and hula students along with their instructors.  We were treated to a beautiful  “Sakura” performance by the group and even got to play a few songs with some of the Birds while the students and instructors performed hula – good fun!   I want to thank Ohta-san for her kind and generous hospitality and also the rest of her group for making us feel so welcome!  Mahalo!

3:30pm – Ok .. it’s now mid-afternoon and I’m sitting in my office doing stuff on the computer.  I really have to make a serious effort to clean my desk – it’s piled high with all kinds of folders, papers, bills, checks, etc. … a real mess!  Every time I start getting the urge to clean, my eyes sort of glaze over and I either go get something to eat or start checking my emails again.   I guess I have absolutely no willpower .. nada, zero!!  And speaking of eating, I think we’ll head over to Island Burgers in the Ala Moana Shopping Center to grab a quick dinner before heading home tonight.  They have THE best burgers and shakes … plus, the service is always excellent!  I always end up ordering their Maui burger with guacamole … mmmmm!

8:30pm – Just got home and I’m stuffed!  Those burgers were awesome and I even tried a small bowl of their tortilla soup – yummm!  And if that wasn’t enough, we ran into my buddy Roy who sent over a couple of really decadent desserts – a fudge brownie sundae and a Kona pie!  Mahalo, brah … but your an evil man!  hahaha!  So now I’m REALLY stuffed and just changed into my beloved boro-boro shorts and t-shirt … ahhhhh, that’s much better!  Now, let’s see … settle into the Stressless, turn on the flat screen, scroll to Family Guy, and … zzzzzzzzzzzz.

6:30am – Good morning!  It’s Wednesday and I’m enjoying another mug of hot, steaming Dunkin’ Donuts brew!  So … how do you like this 2-day blog??  Just thought I’d try it out … all right, I confess … I just got lazy and passed out after I got home and didn’t get to finish it!  Guiltyyyy!  Hey, we just found out that we might be doing our first solo live performance in Nagoya when we go back up to Japan in July!  I hope all of our fans in Nagoya will come out to see us … the date and location should be confirmed shortly!

Gotta run … be safe, everyone!      Aloha, “D”