Happy June everyone! It’s already June 2nd in Japan, so this is a little late for them, but HAPPY JUNE nonetheless!
Last week we started a online video series called, “At Home With ManoaDNA.” The goal of this show is to share our weekly experiences via video and allow you all to get a glimpse what it’s like to be ManoaDNA. The plan was to sit at home in Manoa, in our living room or porch or something and talk about our week. There was no realy format or content, but we wanted to use it especially to thank people for sending in presents to us. The other goal was to make it under 3 mins, because attention spans are shorter these days (at least mine is) and we don’t want to bore all of you.
So we did one Friday, and it ended up being moved into the studio (due to tree trimming), and it’s 10 mins long. I apologize to the world, but we had a lot to talk about since it was our first one.
So, we learned a lot, and will be trying to consistently put out these videos. It should be a fun adventure. Look for this week’s episode coming soon!