Back to normal …

Ok … jet lag is pau and I’m ready to rock ‘n roll!  Got another busy day today … meetings in the morning followed by interviews and a photo shoot, followed by one more meeting and a rehearsal.  The day will probably end with a late dinner and some NCIS, after which I’ll be ready for dreamland …

IOLANI on Kona Street is coming up on its first anniversary in July, and I can’t believe we’ve been open for a year!  The saying, “Time sure flies when you’re having fun!” definitely applies to us and we are SO grateful to all of you for supporting us!  But wait … the IOLANI experience is going to get EVEN better with the many new products and ideas which we have planned for you, so be sure to stay tuned!  I think my dad would have been really proud of our little store … after all, he came from a retail family!

Photo corner:  Here are some candid shots taken towards the end of our Golden Week tour … can you tell we’re already getting punchy??