I’m back!

‘Morning all!  First of all, I couldn’t update my blog for the past few days because the app on my iPad totally SUCKED big time … sorry!  We just flew in from the mainland this morning so I can now bring you guys up to date on what’s been happening, with my old reliable laptop!

Vegas was awesome … the boys & I had a great time eating, shopping, gambling, and just having fun!  The weather was a little cold and it even rained a bit, but it’s better than the voggy stuff we have here.  And boy, did we EAT!  First, we had a huge breakfast at Hash House A Go Go, a restaurant featured on the Travel Channel’s, Man vs. Food. Alex had their famous giant fried chicken benedict, while Nick had a waffle & fried chicken plate big enough to feed a family of four!  I think the boys featured photos on Twitter … but I’ll try and post them on my blog later.  We also went to the NASCAR Cafe – another Man vs. Food favorite – and wanted to eat the giant 6 lb. burrito, split amongst the four of us.  However, we found out that the monster burrito could only be ordered if some idiot wanted to take on the challenge of eating it all by himself!  I mean, come on … 6 lbs.?!!  Are you serious?!!

We also ate at a couple of my favorites – Joe’s Seafood & Steak and Rosemary’s.  Joe’s is known for their stone crab claws – the shells are like rock but the meat is so sweet!  The best part about the dish, though, is the garlic aioli dip that comes with it.  It tasted great with everything – the bread, steak, veal, fish … but not dessert! Paired with a nice bottle of Duckhorn merlot, we were in 7th heaven!  And to top off that great meal, we had some awesome key lime pie (their specialty) and peppermint ice cream with chocolate sauce .. mmmm!  On our final night, we ate at Rosemary’s out near Summerlin … and it was outstanding as always.  Although they didn’t have my favorite prosciutto-wrapped figs, I did have a great wedge salad along with a delicious angel hair pasta entree topped with pistachio nuts & asparagus in a creamy pesto sauce.  YUMMMMMM!!

Well, enough with the food … I’m starting to get hungry again.  I’ll fill you guys in on some of the other fun stuff we did on my next blog.  Until then …

Aloha, “D”