ManoaDNA Weekends: Super Carnival!

What a weekend for ManoaDNA! Full of fun, and excitement with the Punahou Carnival and Super Bowl XLV!

We start off with the Punahou Carnival. Held annually at Punahou School, the carnival is the main fundraiser for the school, helping raise funds for its financial aid program. Being Punahou alumni ourselves, we have been doing our part by performing at the Hawaiian Plate Booth for the last five years. It’s one of our favorite shows of the year because it allows us to bring our full band and rock the cafeteria! Thanks to Punahou School for having us again, and we look forward to performing in 2012!

[singlepic id=21 w=500 h=375 float=none]Look for more great photos from Carnival in Thursday’s “Nick in Photos”

Friday night, we performed at carnival, then Saturday night we were back at Kani Ka Pila. By Sunday, I was exhausted and really full from eating all the great carnival food. No time to rest though, as Sunday afternoon was the NFL Super Bowl XLV, the championship game! We headed over to Alex’s house for the game, and pigged out on some great food. Alex even made homemade Portugese Bean Soup! Send him a twitter message, and ask him to give you some, cuz it was so delicious!

I was too exhausted to remember to take pictures from the Super Bowl party, but I did want to share two of my favorite commercials that aired during the game. (For those of you in Japan, the Super Bowl is very special because companies go all out on their commercials during the game. Some people just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials!)

First, from Volkswagen…

Secondly, from the NFL. This one brings back a lot of memories…

See you Thursday! I will have more pictures from the Punahou Carnival to share!