Yo, peeps! I lost my camera someplace .. in any case, I can’t find it anywhere! That’s why I haven’t posted any photos recently … not that I include a whole bunch anyway. I’m really bummed ’cause it was a new Fuji pocket camera. It’s red and in a red “Sam’s Town” neoprene cover, so if you find it there’s a small reward along with my eternal gratitude! I don’t like using my iPhone to take pics because it sucks and the photos come out grainy.
I had a nice lunch with Japanese singer/songwriter Yohito Teraoka and his family yesterday at the Willows. They have 3 toddlers – all girls, with the youngest only 6 months old – and they are soooo cute! But I got exhausted just watching how much attention and care that Yohito and Ayako gave them … and of course, they all wanted Daddy’s attention!
We had a AWESOME time performing before a packed house at the Punahou Carnival last night! Even though my voice was a no-show, I was able to “squeak” enough to get by … couldn’t do LOVE THE ONE YOU’RE WITH, though. Mahalo to Seann, Ritchie, and Mark for setting a solid backline for the boys & I. This is one of the few venues where we can use a full band and Alex can cut loose on his Strat. Thank you Punahou … hope to be invited back next year!!
Aloha, “D”
Awesome full sound. Wanda & I were rocking with our Hawn plate dinners.
Hey stranger .. it was great to see you & Wanda the other night! It was fun … I love it when we have a full backline and Alex can cut loose on his Strat! I was kinda hoping you guys would get up and dance, though … hahaha!