Saturday Serenata: “The Introduction”

Ok, so I have “ManoaDNA Weekends” which comes out every Tuesday, I have “Nick in Photos” which comes out every Thursday, and now I am adding a new weekly segment called “Saturday Serenata!” Serenata, the Italian word for serenade, will be my news and opinion section about music.

Since the beginning of ManoaDNA, the lines between my public and personal life have always been blurred. The major reason I attribute it to is the fact that I perform with my Dad and my brother. Usually people perform with friends as one role, then go home to their families assuming a different role. Not with me, I play music with my family, then go home or to work and hang out with those same people.

This segment will rely on your input and feel free to always comment or question my entries. I want to take advantage of the social capability this website has, and welcome your conversations.

I am hoping this new segment can help me separate my two lives. If I can concentrate on being ManoaDNA only here and post topics relevant to ManoaDNA, then there will be distinction I can be comfortable with. Before, my blog posts would consist of family goings on, what I ate, where I went, things like that. Now, I will concentrate solely on the lives of ManoaDNA and its music, and I hope you enjoy the reading.

Thank you for letting me vent, I look forward to writing this entry and embarking on a new chapter for my blogs.