It’s Columbus Day – a national holiday here in the U.S. – and most people have the day off from work. That does not include Carla and her staff, however, because the IOLANI on Kona Street store will be open for business as usual! That’s one thing about the retail business … there ARE no days off!
Yesterday was another beautiful day … I went for a run down to the Kakaako Waterfront Park in the morning and then came home and had some delicious stuffed salmon and lasagna leftovers from the Diamond Head Grille. In the evening, ManoaDNA performed for a wedding down at the Sheraton Waikiki, one of the many, many weddings taking place since yesterday was October 10, 2010 – 10/10/10 – a very lucky day for many people. At least it’ll be easy to remember your anniversary … and believe me, guys, you DON’T want to forget your anniversary … unless there’s a really good reason, of course (don’t EVEN go there, Lloyd! :-))!
Aloha, “D”