
I just returned from a morning walk with the puppies and saw the most beautiful rainbow!  I always see many rainbows during the day here in Manoa, but rarely do I see one so early in the morning.  Picture yourself standing in a light morning mist as you look up into the lush greenness of Manoa valley just as the sun’s rays start to peek over the mountains.  Now, paint a beautiful, deep-colored rainbow across the sky .. whoo, chicken skin!  Mahalo, kupuna, for such a wonderful blessing ….

Yesterday was the Labor Day holiday, but the boys & I were busy with a photo shoot here in Manoa and a wedding reception later in the evening.  The location for the shoot was on the Manoa Falls Trail, and it was taken by the well-known Japanese photographer, Junji Takasago.  The trail was pretty muddy with all the rainfall we’ve had recently, but the worse part was the mosquitoes … man, they were so many that you could clap your hands in the air and get at least one or two!  Mosquitoes love me, and because I don’t like to apply any chemical repellent on myself they attacked in full force!  I probably set a new Guinness world record for the longest “slap dance” in history!

The wedding reception at the Sheraton Waikiki last night was a really nice affair, and I was particularly impressed with the food since hotel food doesn’t usually rank very high on my yummy list.  The pasta with sausage and asparagus, and the braised short ribs were awesome .. but the best part was the dessert – chocolate Kona coffee tiramisu from Satura Cakes bakery!  YUMMMM!  It was so good that I thought about having seconds but knew I would “pay” for it later (if you know what I mean!)!  Congratulations to Kevin & Brianne and mahalo for allowing us to be a part of your very special evening!

Oh yeah .. and I gotta tell you this WordPress blog app is really driving me nuts!  This is my second attempt at writing this blog and for some inexplicable reason, the program suddenly erased my first blog while I was in the middle of writing it!  It’s done that several times before and it’s really starting to piss me off!  Ok – I feel better now …. happy place, happy place ….

Aloha, “D”