Great weekend!

Aloha, all!  First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! to Lihau & Kellen Paik of the group, Kupa’oa, who got married last week … I’m sorry we couldn’t make it to the reception on Kaua’i this past Saturday, but we heard it was absolutely fabulous!

Since Nick left for the mainland on Saturday, Alex & I played a round of golf with our two friends from Japan, Takashi-san & Shioji-san out at Ko Olina.  After a very spirited round, “Team Hawai’i” defeated “Team Japan” in match play 6 and 5, but we all had so much fun!  Then yesterday, Takashi-san and I joined the DNA golf group out at Hawai’i Prince for more golf.  It was another gorgeous day, and it was great to see the group again – many of them Nick & Alex’s buddies.  Takashi-san was happy because he shot much better than yesterday because he was using my Taylor Burner driver … I think he went to buy one right after I dropped him off at his hotel!

Alex with "Team Japan" on the Ko Olina's 12th tee.

We had a great “homecoming” at Lulu’s last Friday evening with many friends and family coming down to welcome us home!  There were also quite a few visitors from the mainland and Japan in the crowd, so we were very happy to see them too.  This week, Nick is on the mainland but Alex & I will be performing at Kani Ka Pila Grille on Saturday with our bassist Mark, along with good friends, Jack Ofoia (Mana’o Company) and Seann Carroll.

Be sure to keep Saturday, Sept. 4th, open … we’re going to be celebrating our 3rd CD, “EVOLUTION”, down at the Kani Ka Pila Grille that evening from 6 to 9 pm.  So if you’re in town, come on down and enjoy an evening of music and fun!

Aloha, “D”   …  p.s. – Some of you have been asking about my wrist … well this is what I have to do to it before I play squash!

This really SUCKS!!