Aloha Friday!!

I’m feeling the full effects of jet lag today .. sleepy, dull, and brain dead!  I sure hope I can get over it by this weekend because I have so many things to do next week.  I spent most of the day at the IOLANI store and found that I really enjoy talking with our customers.  I think we have a wonderful story to tell here at IOLANI, and I love to share it with our guests!

I played squash today even though my wrist is sore again, but I put on a brace and taped it up real tight so the pain was bearable.  After I was done, I immediately iced my wrist down in order to minimize any swelling … and that was a good thing since I can now play golf tomorrow morning!   Speaking of golf, I didn’t play very well yesterday – shot an ugly score of 88!!  It was good to get out and hit the ball around anyway, even though I had no idea where it was going!

By the way, I just came to the conclusion that Hawai’i drivers are THE absolute worst drivers ever!  Driving home tonight, this woman decided to block an intersection while talking on her cell phone, another idiot cut 3 lanes over from the right lane and almost hit a pedestrian, and some lady decided that 5 miles per hour was way too fast for her Prius going up Keeaumoku St.!!  I don’t know how some of these morons ever passed their driver’s test … amazing!!

Aloha, “D”